Sunday, August 2, 2009

Horrible Person Me

It's 2009! I haven't updated since I left Memphis. Gosh I'm lame, there's no way I'm typing the amount of words it would take to explain what has happened here.

Here are some highlights: I started dressing like a '50s housewife and took really bad photos of it. Yep, that's Marilyn and Audrey behind me.

We've partied like rock B&W.

I made some jewelry! Not for me. The ungrateful woman I made if for said it was either an inch too short or an inch too long for her taste. Really woman. Really?

Monday, November 17, 2008

pancakes style essay

My roomate made pancakes and fruit. Yay!
Yes, at almost midnight, still....yay!

I finished that mother fricken Art History essay. All four pages of it. Usually four pages is nothing for me to write, but on dull boring art that has no meaning to it or anything. Tis hard.

My new issue of In Style came in today! It's not my favorite mag ever, but hey, I get it for free! So I'm not complaining. 
Even though I look super extremely excited abut it, haha.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

bristol brooks book

I have to write an essay on a piece for Art History. It's 1/4 of my grade. Eek! This book really helped though. Even though it cost $40. Ew.

I went to the Brook's Museum to take notes on my piece. I also got a horrible parking spot, obviously.

We're doing bent wood sculptures in 3D Design, but first we had to make a model out of Bristol. Bristol runs about $5 a sheet for the cheapest, I cheated and paid $4 for ten sheets of poster board. Go me! It was not at all meant to be a hat, and the model is far from finished.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

tattoo jolie face

Now everything is caught up! All the photos from now on should go along with the date they are posted.

Bored in bed on a saturday night.
My RA walked in shortly after to find me in my leggings with my bra hanging out.
Yay for him.

I curled my hair today, and also purchased the much anticipated art issue of W with Angelina Jolie on the cover!

This is embarrassing, yet hilarious.

polygloss pinup history

Sitting in the library at my school studying for my Art History exam.
(which I failed and now must have a meeting with my prof.)

I got this Johnathan Saunders for Target dress for $6.
Pardon the weird face.

I got these white flats from Charlotte Russe for $1 (that is not a typo) and I really don't like most all white shoes, so I printed out pictures of pinup girls, used some watered down glue, stuck them on then put poly gloss over them.

They are adorable!

chai wire cappuccino

Chai flavored cookies.
I think it's probably the greatest thing to ever happen to the cookie.

Cat after Fernando Botero, wire

Sitting at my favorite coffee shop I have ever been to enjoying a cappuccino. Otherland's Coffee, Memphis TN.
Actually, the cap was kind of off that day. I'm sticking to Lattes.

All Hallows Eve

I was Marla Singer from Fight Club. A friend of mine was Tyler Durden.

My friend was Poison Ivy.

I love this photo.
I don't really smoke.